Buzz Rickson's
We appreciate being recognized at the highest level of flight jacket manufacturers, even though there are numerous high quality items available. It was a thing of pride for the country to make flight jackets which protected the lives of aviators and was done at enormous cost, unfathomable number of experiments and required a huge labor force. Knowledge, state of the art materials and sewing technologies of the times were combined to achieve this detail. The aviators were absorbed in the good quality of their wears. This advance level and the thought process put into the flying jacket had a great effect on the private clothing companies. The Buzz Rickson's brand was born in 1993 with the historical pursuit of the flight jacket as our driving force. We adhere strictly to the specifications, materials, and the craftsmanship to recreate the original charm of each garment. The brand name Buzz Rickson's came from the lead character played by Steve McQueen in the movie "The War Lover."